targetstream's Latest Posts
StreamEDS version 1.7.139 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.139 Released. Release notes: -afpin: add carriage control mappings for Siemens line data -afpin: fix issue handling text suppressions -afpin: improve support of copy subgroups that apply multiple sets of modifications to a logical page -gui: show license information in About dialog
StreamEDS version 1.7.138 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.138 Released. Release notes: -afpin: fix incorrect decoding of certain unpadded G4 MMR images -tiffin: support JPEG compression
StreamEDS version 1.7.137 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.137 Released. Release notes: -core: support Unicode string, not just characters, in text models -gui: improve automatic data type recognition when opening files -mark: use PDF text matrix for text rectangle and space width
StreamEDS version 1.7.133 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.133 Released. Release notes: -afpin: support X’27’ retired triplet in IncludePageSegment structured field -pdfin: dispatch event for invalid CMap subtable length
StreamEDS version 1.7.130 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.130 Released. Release notes: -core: prevent possible startup reverse DNS delay on Windows 10 -core: support synthetic Type1 fonts -core: support parsing infrequent Type1 font formats -pdfout: organize font options into new config -pdfout: output Type 3 FontDescriptor for tagged documents -pdfout: decouple font encodings from /Widths -pdfout: add hidden options to […]
StreamEDS version 1.7.129 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.129 Released. Release notes: -afpin: handle retired parameter value for IncludePageSegment offsets. -afpin: handle retired parameter value for IncludePageOverlay offsets -workflow: optimize transcode with configurable cache -pdfout: match FontDescriptor /FontName to /BaseFont for subset simple fonts
StreamEDS version 1.7.127 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.127 Released. Release notes: -core: improve JPEG metadata parsing -pdfout: add hidden options to work around HP printer issue
StreamEDS Version 1.7.124 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.124 Released. Release notes: -doc: improve <table> and <rowsFromVerticalSpacing> workflow documentation -mark: put first-column cells in first, not last, spanned row -mark: add <contentInfo> to table->markers configs –pdfin: decode JBIG2Decode image mask data –pdfin: decode JPXDecode data with unspecified colorspace –pdfout: allow adding unused characters to font subsets
StreamEDS Version 1.7.123 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.123 Released. Release notes: -core: add support for afp charset resources in FontTable.xml –gui: add ID to Content Details view –gui: add Select All Table Cells to context menu for marked tables –gui: do not switch to selection first page when current page applies -mark: add table->idBase & firstColumnIndex for split tables -mark: […]
StreamEDS Version 1.7.120 Released
StreamEDS version 1.7.120 Released. Release notes: –gui: use gui.mark.default.change if present instead of built-in default –gui: remove *.mark-content.change on reset instead of writing defaults –pdfin: support CFF fonts with unnecessary empty hint arrays -pdfOut: make page buffer size a configurable parameter -workflow: add style, weight, width, and toString() to font script model -workflow: add location […]