Zak Kinsey
Zak Kinsey's Latest Posts
StreamEDS version 1.7.136 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.136 Released. Release notes: -afpin: improve handling of constant forms
StreamEDS version 1.7.135 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.135 Released. Release notes: -mark: allow changing cell type in table markers
StreamEDS version 1.7.134 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.134 Released. Release notes: -core: dispatch event for mismatched number of glyphs in OTF tables -gui: handle predominantly white overlapping images correctly -edp: handle predominantly white overlapping images correctly
StreamEDS version 1.7.132 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.132 Released. Release notes: -core: update Groovy from 2.2.3 to 2.4.21 -afpout: add utility to downscale page segments -afpout: support modifyPage in -gui: prevent occasional crash when reopening PDFs on startup -gui: add workflow editor CDATA and script proposals for text elements -pdfin: handle unbalanced q/Q operators in patterns and Type 3 […]
StreamEDS version 1.7.131 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.131 Released. Release notes: -groupSink: keep fatal errors from final spool docs (1.7.125 regression) -groupSink: abort workflow on fatal errors (1.7.110 regression) -groupSink: remove duplicate disposal (1.7.110 regression) -pdfout: fix legacy glyphCacheRef behavior (1.7.130 regression)
StreamEDS version 1.7.128 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.128 Released. Release notes: -pdfout: remove empty CMap mapping lists to work around HP printer issue
StreamEDS version 1.7.126 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.126 Released. Release notes: –acif: handle malformed resources -mark: improvement for content marking performance –pdfout: add ability to inline bitmask images –pdfout: removes spaces from TTF font names –pdfout: match composite TTF /BaseFont to font name –pdfout: remove unnecessary WMode from ToUnicode CMaps –pdfout: use CMapType 2 in ToUnicode CMaps –pdfout: use […]
StreamEDS Version 1.7.125 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.125 Released. Release notes: -workflow: return empty rectangle instead of throwing NPE for empty text surfaces -workflow: add .pageRectangle to surface script models -workflow: add .rectangle synonym to .pageRectangle to script models -mark: fix inconsistent defaults in rowsFromVerticalSpacing words joiner –tiffin: workaround jvm bug causing stack overflow exception when reading cmyk tiff […]
StreamEDS Version 1.7.122 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.122 Released. Release notes: -workflow: support intersection of rectangle script models -mark: fix ConcurrentModificationException in unmark –replacetext: add support for filtering replacement area by rectangle
StreamEDS Version 1.7.121 Released

StreamEDS version 1.7.121 Released. Release notes: –pdfin: workaround for font size issue when using marked content sequences